Personal Injury/Wrongful Death
The Millhorn Law Firm represents personal injury victims in The Villages and throughout the State of Florida. Personal Injury is a legal term for an injury to the body, mind or emotions, as opposed to an injury to property. This term also includes claims for wrongful death. The most common types of claims are automobile and golf cart accidents, defective products claims, slip and fall cases and other premise liability claims. The term Personal Injury also incorporates those cases that involve medical negligence and birthing injuries, nursing home cases and dental accidents. If the negligence of another party can be proven, then the injured party should be entitled to compensation to the furthest extent of the law.
For many personal injury claims, you should consult with a law firm that handles personal injury claims. Insurance companies and large corporations are very aggressive in defense of personal injury claims, and they will go to great lengths to avoid paying you the fair value of your claim as an effort to save themselves money. If you are injured, you may find yourself confused and disoriented, unsure of where to turn or how to find someone to help you. You will have questions about the costs of medical care, prescriptions, physical therapy, and lost wages among others. You will need compensation for what has happened to you. This is when you should turn to a law firm that you know and trust, one which has a proven track record of integrity and client satisfaction. This is when you can turn to The Millhorn Law Firm.
Are You Familiar With Your Automobile Insurance
(What You Should Know)
PIP or No-Fault (Personal Injury Protection)
This coverage is mandatory in the State of Florida. This coverage protects you and the passengers in your automobile and is used to pay for medical expenses resulting from the accident. This type of coverage also protects you if you are injured as a pedestrian by another vehicle. If your passengers have their own vehicles, or live with a relative who owns a vehicle, their PIP will protect them.
If you were involved in an automobile accident, you probably have automobile insurance which is referred to as no-fault insurance or Personal Injury Protection (PIP). Depending on the type of coverage you selected, your insurance company will pay for 80% or 100% of your medical expenses, up to the amount of insurance that you purchased. The minimum PIP that you can purchase is $10,000.00. If you select a PIP deductible for a smaller premium, that deductible must be reached before your insurance company begins to pay your medical bills. Your PIP will also generally reimburse you 60% of the lost wages you incur as a direct result of your accident and well as reimburse you for prescriptions directly related to your accident. These benefits, of course, apply until the $10,000.00 (or maximum PIP purchased) exhausts. Any medical expenses or lost wages not reimbursed by your insurance company may be a recoverable element of your claim from the at-fault party’s insurance company.
Medical Payments Coverage (Med Pay)
This is an optional coverage designed to pay the remaining 20% of your medical expenses that were not covered under PIP (depending on the amount of Med Pay coverage you purchased). You and the passengers in the automobile will be covered under Med Pay. Wages do not continue under Med Pay.
Bodily Injury (BI)
BI is not required in Florida. Bodily Injury provides coverage for injuries you cause while operating a vehicle. If you are the person who caused the car accident and do not have BI, you risk losing your license. Unfortunately, many drivers either do not purchase BI coverage or have insufficient BI to compensate someone for their injuries.
Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist (UM/UIM)
This form of coverage protects you in the event you are injured by a driver who does not carry BI insurance, or many times, a hit-and-run driver who is at fault. Uninsured/Underinsured motorist coverage, many times, is the only form of recovery for your injuries when you are involved in an accident with someone who does not carry BI or carries the minimum of $10,000.00, and is under-insured for your damages.
Property Damage (PD)
This coverage is mandatory in Florida. It protects you if your automobile damages someone else’s property (i.e. car, fence, sign). This coverage should be purchased in proportion to the damage your vehicle has the potential to inflict.
Comprehensive Damages Coverage (Comp)
This coverage protects you in the event your automobile is damaged by something other than a collision; such as if it is stolen, damaged by flood, hurricane, broken windshield, etc.
Collision Coverage
This coverage pays for your vehicle when you are involved in a collision and you are at fault, OR, if you choose to have your insurance company repair your vehicle rather than waiting on the at-fault party’s insurance company. However, in the latter instance, your deductible will most likely apply.