Tag Archives: Florida Elder Law Attorneys

Questions to Ask an Elder Law Attorney
Choosing the right elder law attorney involves more than looking at a website and asking a friend if they can recommend someone. Instead, people should schedule a free consultation with an elder law attorney where they can discuss their legal issue and ask questions. To help you choose the right lawyer, we have offered… Read More »

Changes to VA Pension Program Can Complicate Eligibility
Veterans Affairs provides long-term care benefits to some of the 20 million veterans in the U.S. To qualify, a veteran must have served for at least 90 days on active duty, with at least one day during war time. However, new changes can affect the eligibility for Aid & Attendance, which is the program… Read More »

Is it Time to Update Your Advance Directives?
Advance directives like living wills and powers of attorney are an essential part of any estate plan. Should you become incapacitated, you will need someone to manage your finances and make healthcare decisions for you. However, many people fail to update their advance directives as circumstances change, and as a result they are not… Read More »

3 Problems when Administering a Trust
Many people make a trust an integral part of their estate plan. Trusts can offer many advantages, including the ability to pass assets outside probate. However, someone needs to administer the trust. Many people serve as the initial trustee, but after their deaths someone must take over, often a family member or a close… Read More »

Watch for Signs of Caregiver Stress
Taking care of an elderly spouse or other relative is a stressful experience. Many caregivers suffer in silence, afraid to reach out for help as they put their own needs behind those of their loved one. Unfortunately, as doctors have been warning for years, being a caregiver is an exhausting experience. Many people will… Read More »

Aid And Attendance Benefits Requirements For The Villages Military Veterans
In addition to other government pensions, combat veterans or their surviving spouses who require constant care may be eligible for Aid & Attendance benefits. Available benefits are even higher for homebound veterans and surviving spouses. Given the escalating cost of nursing home care, which could be over $98,000 a year, these benefits could almost… Read More »

Some Family Limited Partnership Basics In Florida
FLPs have been around for years, but they are just now becoming popular, primarily due to their significant tax advantages under recently-passed laws. They are also relatively easy to set up, but the attorney must be very experienced in these matters, since some complications can arise. Essentially, most FLPs have one general partner who… Read More »

Taking Advantage Of An ABLE Account
How much a person has in assets, including savings accounts, can sometimes affect the person’s eligibility for government aid and their ability to effectively plan for the future. This can be especially troublesome for people with disabilities, or for parents or guardians of children with disabilities who are organizing their estate plans with a… Read More »
Medicaid Planning Frequently Asked Questions
In the United States, long-term health care is extremely expensive. Many people who find that they are facing a diagnosis like Alzheimer’s or other degenerative conditions may not have the money to pay for the care that they need. Even some people who have saved money may find themselves destitute after spending all their… Read More »
How to Choose the Right Executor of Your Will
Making a will is an important part of estate planning. One of the things that you need to decide is who you want to be the executor of your will. If you choose a person as opposed to a law firm or other entity, you will also want to have an alternate in case… Read More »