Tag Archives: Florida Estate Planning Attorneys

Use A Spendthrift Provision To Protect Heirs From Creditors
One concern many parents have when creating an estate plan is whether the assets they leave their children will be wasted. It is a sad reality that some children are not as responsible as we would like. They either get deep into debt, or they have civil judgments against them after being sued. Wouldn’t… Read More »

How Your Estate Is Distributed If You Die Without A Will
It is sometimes said that by failing to plan, a person is planning to fail. This is often the case when a person dies intestate and his estate is divided up without regard to what the person would have wanted. Making a will does not always have to be a complicated or even expensive… Read More »

Durable Power of Attorney
A durable power of attorney is an important part of an estate plan. In general, a power of attorney is a legal document where one person designates another person to have the legal ability to make certain decisions for them and to participate in certain transactions on their behalf. The person who is the… Read More »