Tag Archives: Florida Probate Process

The Surprising Benefits Of Probate
Probate gets a bad rap here at the Millhorn Elder Law Planning Group blog. Many of our articles state that probate is a lengthy, tedious process that people can avoid by creating the right estate plan. And this is still true. Often, you can minimize the number of assets that must go through the… Read More »

Three Common Probate Problems
For some estates, probate will be a seamless process. If the estate is very small, then there might not even need to be probate. Instead, the estate can be wound up using disposition without administration. Other estates can take advantage of a “summary administration,” which makes the probate process quick and easy. However, other… Read More »

Summary Administration For A Florida Estate
Generally people who are taking steps to get their estates in order for the benefit of their heirs or beneficiaries are advised to avoid probate when selecting the methods through which their property will be passed on. People are usually advised to avoid probate because of the time and expense of it. However, depending… Read More »

The Duties Of A Personal Representative In The Probate Process
When a person passes away in Florida, his will goes through probate. This means that the will goes through a court process in order to be validated and accepted as the true last wishes of the deceased person. When a person writes a will, they name a personal representative or executor in the will… Read More »

How Creditors Can Affect Your Estate Plan
A concern that may arise in the course of estate planning is the question of what happens to the debts a person accumulated in his lifetime when he dies. Generally speaking, debts are not inherited by a person’s family members or heirs under a will. This does not mean that all debts get erased… Read More »