Tag Archives: The Villages Estate Planning Attorney

How To Divide Your Estate Fairly Between Your Children
When writing a will or trust, many people are worried about showing favoritism to one or more of their children. Instead, they want to divide their estate fairly so that each child feels appreciated. Nevertheless, sometimes dividing an estate fairly between your children is complicated. In that situation, you are advised to meet with… Read More »

Estate Planning Considerations For Your Family
If you are planning on getting married or expanding your family in 2018, you also need to review your estate planning needs and make appropriate changes. After your wedding, you should revise your will and ensure that your spouse is included in your division of assets. Your spouse will have opportunity under Florida law… Read More »

Summary Administration For A Florida Estate
Generally people who are taking steps to get their estates in order for the benefit of their heirs or beneficiaries are advised to avoid probate when selecting the methods through which their property will be passed on. People are usually advised to avoid probate because of the time and expense of it. However, depending… Read More »

Administration Of A Foreign Will In Florida
Many people consider Florida a prime location to move after retirement. Because these people may have spent their adult lives in another state, it is likely that they already have their estate planning documents, such as wills, drafted in another state before they move to Florida. If a person dies after residing in Florida… Read More »

Contingent Beneficiaries
Insurance policies provide a good opportunity for a person to leave some money to his heirs after death. Unlike other bequests, life insurance proceeds are paid directly to the named beneficiaries without going through probate. This means that the beneficiaries can receive the life insurance proceeds faster and tax free. In designating a life… Read More »

Lapsed Gifts And Substitute Beneficiaries
Despite well laid plans, sometimes a person named in a will dies before the testator (the person who bequeaths his property in the will) and is no longer able to inherit under the terms of the will. When this happens, the testator can change his will to name another beneficiary of the deceased person’s… Read More »

Determine If A Bypass Trust Is Best For You
Although the state of Florida does not tax a person’s estate upon his death, an estate is still subject to federal estate taxes. In order to avoid paying an excessive amount in estate taxes, essentially reducing what is available to be passed on to heirs, people may use various methods of estate planning and… Read More »

Using A Will To Name A Guardian For Children
In preparing a will, parents often spend a lot of time planning how their children will be taken care of after the parent’s death. In many cases, the parents arrange for property that will pass to the children to be placed in a trust with a trustee in charge for the children’s benefit. However,… Read More »

Adult Guardianship In Florida
Not everyone sets up a power of attorney or sets up a health care directive as part of a broader estate plan. Unfortunately, this could mean that if the person becomes incapacitated or mentally unfit to handle his affairs, a guardian may need to be appointed by a court. Usually, a family member requests… Read More »