Tag Archives: The Villages Estate Planning Attorney

Digital Assets And Estate Planning
The preparation of an estate plan focuses largely on ensuring that beneficiaries receive property or assets after the person creating the plan passes away. The kind of property people typically consider when outlining their wills or trusts is physical property or money in accounts or that will be paid out in insurance policies. One… Read More »

Challenges To Lifetime Gifts And Property Transfers
When a person leaves property to his family members and loved ones in a will or trust, there is always a possibility that someone will challenge the validity of the bequests after the death of the testator. While challenges to gifts to beneficiaries that are distributed after the testator’s death are expected, there is… Read More »

Inheriting Real Estate In A Different State
Owning real estate in multiple states can make good financial sense for some people. However, it can also raise some problems when it comes to estate planning and leaving the out of state property to different heirs. The problems that may arise can be anticipated and taken care of with some planning on the… Read More »

Ademption And Failed Bequests In Florida Wills
Not every person who makes a will remembers to update it following significant changes that could affect the nature of gifts that were bequeathed in the will. Unfortunately, failing to update a will could result in a beneficiary losing out on an inheritance. Generally, a testator may make a general bequest to a beneficiary… Read More »

Trustee Duties When Administering A Trust
After you have decided to take the step to form a trust as part of your estate plan, you will be faced with the question of who to designate as the trustee. The trustee will be responsible for administering the trust, and making payments or distributions to your beneficiaries after you pass away. This… Read More »

Using A Reverse Mortgage As An Estate Planning Tool
Reverse mortgages are often viewed by some as a good way to get income later on in life. There is a downside in that a person taking out a reverse mortgage eventually loses the equity in his home; however, there are some benefits to using a reverse mortgage as an estate planning tool. As… Read More »

The Duties Of A Personal Representative In The Probate Process
When a person passes away in Florida, his will goes through probate. This means that the will goes through a court process in order to be validated and accepted as the true last wishes of the deceased person. When a person writes a will, they name a personal representative or executor in the will… Read More »

Designing An Estate Plan For Your Art Collection
Estate planning for a person who owns a large collection of art can be a process of balancing an emotional need to preserve the collection with the financial reality of the cost to the beneficiaries to keep the collection intact. If a person has spent a lifetime creating a collection, having to come up… Read More »

Transferring Title To Trust Property
Once a person decides to make a trust as part of his estate plan, he has to fund the trust by transferring title to property from himself to the trust. The transfer of title has different consequences for the person depending on the kind of trust that is formed, and in some cases the… Read More »

Financial Abuse Through A Power Of Attorney
Allowing another person to legally make decisions for you while you are incapacitated requires a great deal of trust. This is why when most seniors choose to give a person power of attorney over their financial affairs, it is someone they trust and know well. Unfortunately, there are a great number of seniors who… Read More »