Tag Archives: The Villages Estate Planning Lawyer

Adoption and Inheritance Under Florida Intestacy Law
When a person dies without a will in Florida, the law requires that the person’s estate be divided according to Florida’s intestacy law. This means that in most cases, the descendants of the person who died inherit the assets. The law looks first to the person’s spouse and children, and then to other relatives…. Read More »

Passing On Your Retirement Accounts After Your Death
Retirement income can sometimes be forgotten when it comes to estate planning. Employer retirement plans and IRAs can often be a large portion of a person’s assets after he dies. Retirement accounts are handled differently than other assets, and there are rules governing what a beneficiary of a retirement account can do upon receiving… Read More »

Leaving Gifts In Wills And Trusts With Conditions Attached
In setting up a trust or writing a will, a settlor or testator has the choice of deciding which people are named as beneficiaries. In some cases, the testator may decide to name beneficiaries to receive payments from a trust or assets under a will only if the beneficiaries meet certain conditions. While some… Read More »

How Creditors Can Affect Your Estate Plan
A concern that may arise in the course of estate planning is the question of what happens to the debts a person accumulated in his lifetime when he dies. Generally speaking, debts are not inherited by a person’s family members or heirs under a will. This does not mean that all debts get erased… Read More »

Estate Planning For A Blended Family
Estate planning when you have a blended family sometimes has to be handled carefully to ensure that everyone in the new family is well taken care of in the event of death. A parent may wonder if his or her children will be well cared for by the surviving spouse who also has his… Read More »

Making Changes To Your Will After You Get Married
People make wills at all stages of life, and sometimes they forget to update the wills to account for changes in their lives. For example, a person who makes a will and then later gets married may not remember to go back and change the will to account for the new spouse or any… Read More »

Using Life Insurance For Estate Planning In Florida
Many people consider life insurance a good way to leave their children or spouse a nest egg when they pass away. In some cases, the life insurance is taken on as a means to ensure that a spouse will be able to pay off major bills and not be left bankrupt. Life insurance can… Read More »

Will Challenges Based On Fraud And Undue Influence
When a testator (the person making a will) dies and the contents of his will are revealed, there are some family members who may seek to contest the will for various reasons. In some cases, the will challenge is based on a feeling that the challenger should have received a larger bequest. However, sometimes,… Read More »

How Guaranteed Are Pensions?
In most cases, pensions are better for employees than most company offered 401K plans. Today most pension plans in private companies have been phased out in favor of the 401K plans, and fewer employees have what was traditionally considered a guaranteed pension. For those receiving pensions, there may be a feeling that their pension… Read More »

Can A Will Distribute Property Already In A Living Trust?
Most people who have at one point or another sought advice on estate planning have heard of wills and trusts, and been advised that is wise to have one or both in order to have a solid plan in place. While having both a will and a trust can be wise, taking care to… Read More »